
Offer extended until Friday May 24, 2013.  Click the Events/Tickets to register online today!

Price at the door is $50


Welcome to the reunion web site for Metro Academic and Classical High School....

Class of 2003

10Year Reunion

 Click on the Events/Tickets page to purchase tickets and reserve your spot! The reunion will take place:

Saturday May 25, 2013 @ 6pm


The Old Orchard Gallery

39 S. Old Orchard

Webster Groves, MO 63119


 It’s easy to register, so please do it today!

             ONLINE – by clicking the RSVP/Purchase ticket button 

            PHONE – at (314) 503-1082


If you haven't already, please visit the Classmates page to create your classmate profile. There you can upload your "then" photo from high school, a more recent "now" photo, write a little something about yourself in the "classmate bio" section, and receive a login so that you may participate in site activities (once your information has been authenticated by the site organizer). You will also be able to choose all of your profile settings at that time.

Have questions?  Complete the form on the Contact Us page or visit the Message Board page for FAQ's. 

We look forward to seeing all of you at the reunion!


FREE Class Reunion Websites from ClassQUEST